Model: 2014 Vegas Futura X5/R CT
Condition: 10/10 - Brand new
Additional Info.: Fantastic and rather rare For Tour Use Only headcover. Only available to Tour players, back in 2014, when Scotty released blade and fairway headcovers in the Studio Store to members, but this X5/R version was never made public. Looking typically Vegas, the cover is a must for anyone who loves a gamble, but please be aware this is specifically for the X5 or X5R and will not fit the X7 models.
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Model: 2014 Vegas Futura X5/R CT
Condition: 10/10 - Brand new
Additional Info.: Fantastic and rather rare For Tour Use Only headcover. Only available to Tour players, back in 2014, when Scotty released blade and fairway headcovers in the Studio Store to members, but this X5/R version was never made public. Looking typically Vegas, the cover is a must for anyone who loves a gamble, but please be aware this is specifically for the X5 or X5R and will not fit the X7 models.
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